Cambodia has more than 2 million tourists traveling in the Global New Year 2023 for 2 days
Cambodia has more than 2 million tourists visiting the 2023 Global New Year in the last two days, an increase of 76.65% compared to the 2022 Global New Year. According to the report of the Ministry of Tourism, there were a total of 2,022,920 visitors nationwide, of which 2.006,117 were nationals and 16,803 were foreigners.

Some of the main tourist destinations include:
– Phnom Penh 455,832 people
– Preah Sihanouk Province 338,552 people
– Siem Reap Province: 337,769 people
– Kampot Province: 330,659 people
– Battambang province: 158,110 people
– Kep province: 88,356 people
– Tbong Khmum province: 84,683 people
– Kampong Cham province: 76,901 people

The total number of 2,022,920 tourists of the 2023 New Year celebrations increased by 76.65% compared to the 2022 Global New Year.
In Phnom Penh, more than 450,000 people visited the main destinations such as Koh Pich, riverside, in front of the Royal Palace, Chroy Changva entertainment area, the Victory Monument area, the Metro Techo Stadium. Tourist destinations across the country are attracting a large number of tourists.