7 points in daily life that parents should avoid in raising your child

Normally, children can not avoid making mistakes, but as a parent, you need to find the right way to avoid making them feel depressed. At the same time, in everyday life, the use of words spoken to them, you as a parent must be very careful. Here are seven things parents should avoid responding to when they make a mistake:

1. Do not blame the weak child

If your child does not have the ability to do something successfully, do not use words to blame them or compare his ability with other children. Instead, encourage your children to try harder and remember to use words to encourage them and not pressure them. You need to recognize that this is normal for a child and that, in addition, your child’s intelligence and gifts may not be what you expect him to do, so you need to give them a chance to explore. As well as their hobbies and abilities, your child will become a smart and talented child.

2. Do not blame your child for asking too many questions

Naturally, children are always wondering, they want to know, want to hear and want to know, that’s why we observe that children are good at asking this, asking that, not tired, and sometimes they ask questions that you find difficult. Responses are also available.

For example, a mother with a 3-year-old child wears a mask and a hat for her child, and the mother tells the child, “Wear a mask to keep dust out of your child’s nose,” and then the mother picks up her child on a spare motorcycle. Will leave, but his son did not keep quiet and did not stop, because the words that the mother told them like that also created a question and question to the mother, “Mom! Why not wear a mask for the motorcycle, I’m afraid the dust will get into the nose of the motorcycle.

You may laugh at this phrase and even think it is a question that does not need to be answered or you do not know how to answer. If so, you need to rethink that this is a question that shows that your child is smart and likes to seek new knowledge for themselves, so you need to respond to him correctly, meticulously and rationally so that they can learn to think and consider. Discover the world around them. Do not feel tired and impatient and do not overlook the questions that you think are the most stupid of children.

3. Do not blame your children when they have an accident

When your child has an accident, such as carelessness in the hands or feet, causing a broken or tripped foot. As you experience this, as a parent you should not blame or blame them, but you should advise them to be extra careful.

4. Do not blame your child for doing anything late

It could be that your child is not yet proficient in the task you have been taught, so it may not be as fast as you would like it to be. At this point, please continue to encourage him more if you notice that your child has tried hard. The point to avoid is not to compare your child with other children, because that can cause them to become depressed.

5. Do not insult children in crowded places

If your child makes a mistake while you and your child are in the middle of a crowd, avoid using words to blame him or her, as this can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment. Only a lot of hearts.

6. Do not swear at night

Blaming your child at night can cause your child to feel sorry for themselves, tired of sleeping, and those stressful feelings will cause them to not get enough sleep and in their sleep may cause them to fall asleep. Even worse.

7. Do not insult children during meals

Blaming your child while they are eating should be stopped because it will interfere with their eating habits and can become a bad habit and a bad example for them in the future. Well.

These seven points are the most important and important points for parents to avoid in raising and educating your children for their future better and a good youth in our society.