Shallow flowers, which were valued by the ancients as high and noble, are now almost non-existent and priceless.

Shallow flowers or love flowers or ghost flowers are considered by the Cambodian people today as a flower that represents unhappiness or imperfection according to the perception that did not go through their considerations and was almost forgotten. Used again.

Shallow or love flower in English written as Crown Flower, which translates in Khmer as crown flower. In Thailand, this shallow flower is also called by the Thai people as the flower of love or the flower or the bouquet of flowers, which is very beautiful and has a good meaning. Shallow, a plant up to 2 m to 3 m tall, with two colors, white and purple. The flowers are rounded at the ends of the branches. The five corners are circular and its inner layer is shaped like a crown. It is the inner layer that is used to make the flowers.

Phka Sneh is a species of plant that is often found growing in hilly areas or sometimes it is also found growing in rivers, streams and lakes. This flower is a plant that grows easily and is most resistant to weather. Also, after the fruit ripens, it will break out and can fly through the air to other places, because the seeds have more than an arm’s length of cotton. When it falls somewhere, it grows very easily. This shallow flower is said to have originated in Central Asia and India. In Cambodia, shallow flowers can be easily found, as this plant grows almost everywhere, along the side of the road or in plantations, and even in abandoned soil, this plant can grow without the need for a grower. .

Shallow flower is a flower that grows from plants that people can use because of its beauty and uniqueness. Other traditional ceremonies as well. For Cambodians, shallow flowers are commonly known and called by Cambodians, but in some areas this flower is called a ghost flower, which is not the original name of this flower. However, in fact, the Cambodian people originally believed that the shallow flower means a flower of happiness, representing dignity and peace, and that is why Khmer ancestors used this flower as a collection. Various places of worship. On the other hand, due to the abundance of this plant, which is easy to find and do not have to spend money to buy, the Cambodian people of that generation did not have a market and no flowers imported from abroad to pick this flower. Instead of jasmine, it is used as a garland to be used in various ceremonies, including funerals, which are beautiful and dignified.

The original Khmer people valued this wreath, and even more so, to bring this wreath to the funeral home, which is believed to be able to lead the souls of the dead to peace. Sok will be born in a high place, dignified and free from all hardships. On the other hand, since funerals are a state of emergency, the use of shallow flowers as an easy-to-find flower is the best option for Cambodians to decorate their coffins.

The tradition of using a shallow bouquet to prepare a coffin has led some people to use negative language, and they simply call it a ghost flower. The so-called ghost flower has created the belief that this shallow flower represents misfortune or misfortune, used only for the dead or funerals. Not only that, some old people living in the countryside even use this shallow flower or darling flower to scare children or young children to confine them who like to visit the soup forest with many shallow trees. They go there for their safety. Such unknowing nonsense is one of the main causes of their growing up, instilling in them a sense of dread of the ghostly flowers that lead them to dislike shallow flowers. No more that.

Misconceptions and misunderstandings have caused this beautiful and easy-to-grow flower to become a scary flower. And because people are so confused, there are not many users and growers of this shallow flower.

According to the Khmer dictionary of Samdech Preah Sangkhareach Chuon Nath and the Khmer dictionary of the publication of the Buddhist Academy BE 2511 AD 1967, it is written that: As big as the palms of the hands are white resin, there are two types: shallow white with white flowers, shallow red flowers with purple flowers, these two shallow flowers have a slightly poisonous aroma, many people read as a bouquet or used in offerings. I receive the title (worship).

According to the interpretation of this Khmer dictionary, it can be used as proof that shallow flowers are used as a bouquet for worship to the Buddha or in ceremonies. In the Khmer belief that offering a wreath to God and giving a wreath represents the blessing of Mongkol Serey Soursdey. This bouquet of shallow flowers was also used in the handover ceremony, which is a high honor ceremony in Cambodian society, which can prove that the bouquet is not only used to decorate the coffin, as they misunderstand. No.

Shallow flowers are also popular among Cambodians from ancient times, this flower is also called “love flower”, especially in the reign of Luang Sisowath. The Khmer people at that time used to use this bouquet of shallow flowers to decorate the relics, such as rice, etc., as a cover for the trichivor, as a tassel for the dancers, as a bouquet, as a garland, which later became popular. Lanterns, glassware or ornaments for decorating windows, doors, houses or temples and decorated with various ornaments, because at that time there was not as much sale and use of jasmine as today.

In Thailand, a neighboring country of Cambodia, people still keep the use of this shallow flower or love flower, which is in weddings or other religious ceremonies, adhering to the religious beliefs in the Thai tradition. Good. It is called “the flower of love or the flower or the bouquet like the jasmine that is brought to the bouquet because the Thai people know this flower by taking it as a bouquet.” It is often used in conjunction with jasmine or other flowers and is used in ceremonies such as engagements, weddings, or other love-related ceremonies, including watering the child. The bride and groom are a bouquet of flowers for the bride and groom as well as for the newlyweds to sleep on. At the same time, Thais living in the northeastern part of the country love this flower very much. People in the northeastern part of Thailand consider this shallow flower to be a symbol of loyalty and love. It is because of their faith that some Thai families have used the painting of the flower to display in their homes, which is believed to make the husband love his family and especially That makes the husband love his wife only.