Cambodian plantain can be used as a remedy for many ailments

Cardamom is a plant that grows in mountain forests and mixed forest valleys. Krako belongs to the genus Cardamom, but it is less effective than cardamom, but without cardamom it can be replaced. According to the Ministry of Environment in Cambodia, Krakor is found growing in the forests of the Cardamom Valley and is a perennial plant. The basil is 2 to 3 meters high from the ground, the stems are hard and the tufts grow. This plant has the same leaves and stems as turmeric, but the difference is that it has no tubers and it bears fruit at the base of the pods, which are easy to harvest. The long leaves are narrow at the base and sharp (elliptic-linear), the short stalks are 0.5-1 cm long and the margins are sparsely hairy. Floral stem grows from the rhizome near the base, not very straight up, often sloping down.

The flower has two layers, the outer layer is white, divided into 3 petals, the inner flower is yellow, the stalk is hairy. Flowers in clusters, panicles, petals 14-15 cm long, with 3 teeth, 3 petals, clear green, stamen 1, white, transparent, anther folded outwards. The white labellum has white or dark red stripes. The female hairs are 3-lobed, the capsule is round and has 3 corners because it has a long, angular shape on the skin and is light green with 15-20 seeds. When ripe, it will be dark red and have a bitter taste (not too hot and not too cold).

Nowadays, cardamom is said to be becoming increasingly scarce, which is why people living in the Cardamom Mountains have to collect it and sell it. As for the citrus fruit, it is also said that the people living in the Areng area went up to the mountains to sell it to middlemen who came to buy and export it abroad, which the buyers continued to take. Used as a raw material for the production of wind oil.

According to a study, cardamom can also be used to treat indigestion, digestive problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever, abdominal pain, constipation, shortness of breath and diarrhea.