History 117 years ago related to the story that led the Siamese to return Battambang to the Khmer under French rule at that time

March 23 is the most important and meaningful day for the people of Battambang or those who are originally from Battambang province and within the framework of Cambodia as a whole. Important because March 23, 1907, 117 years ago, was the date of the signing of the Franco-Siamese treaty on demarcation, or more commonly known as the day Siam ceded Battambang, Siem Reap to the Khmer. France came back under Siamese rule for more than 100 years.

Before going into the details of this treaty, we would like to remind you of the background of the Franco-Siamese conflict: When France colonized Indochina, especially on Cambodia, France was the biggest concern of Siam and the territory of Battambang. This is a hot battle for both countries. Clashes between the Franco-Siamese erupted officially on July 13, 1893, during which day the French navy attacked a nearby Thai naval base in Paknam (waterfront). To Bangkok and has already turned the cannon to the palace in Bangkok. Siam agreed to surrender to France unconditionally, and on July 14, 1893, the French government imposed conditions on Siam, appointing August Pavie, the Indochina territorial inspector and French consul. The French in Luang Prabang presented a petition to King Rama V Chulalongkorn, the mayor of Siam. The French threat to Siam was seen as just an excuse, the specific reason behind which was a trade dispute between France and Britain.

Furthermore, there are many treaties agreed, but none of them make the parties, especially the Thai side, very satisfied. Later, when Britain seemed to break free from Siam, the Siamese government decided to return to negotiations with France to maintain its sovereignty until the visit of King Rama V Chulalongkorn to Paris in 1897.

Until the Treaty of March 23, 1907, which satisfied the Thai side. According to Professor Lawrence Palmer Briggs in his article, King Chulalongkorn, who intended to modernize Siam at the time, was pleased with the treaty. Of Siam to Sam Suon as the elder brother in the area. This treaty was the first step in liberating Siam from the international shame of slavery in Thailand (This treaty was the first step in freeing Siam from this humiliating international servitude).

Although Battambang, Siem Reap, or Siamese called the Mondul East as a regional strategic area, Siam did not have much regrets because it made Siam safer, especially in maintaining its national independence. On the other hand, in the eastern region, compared to the number of Thais living there is not much. Lunet De Lajonquier, who was studying archeology in the area at the time, confirmed that there were only about 2,000 Thais at the time.

Treaty between the King of Thailand and the President of France on March 23, 1907 in Bangkok. The treaty was signed by the French authorities, with Bernard and Strobel representing the Thai government. The signatory counterpart is the French side, with Victor Collin De Plancy as the special envoy, and the Thai signature as Prince Tev Vong is the Foreign Ministry. This treaty has a total of 9 articles in French and Thai, and the main contents include:

Article 1: The Siamese administration agrees to cede the territories of Battambang, Siem Reap and Serei Sophorn to France, with demarcation in accordance with the annex to this treaty.

Article 2: The French administration agrees to cede the territory of the port of Trat and all the islands in the peninsula until Koh Kut is handed over to the Siamese administration.

Article 3: The transfer and receipt of these territories shall be formalized 20 days after the entry into force of this Treaty.

Article 4: Stakeholders in this Treaty The election of the French-Sim Joint Committee shall be held no later than four months after the signing of the border demarcation.

Articles 5 and 6 refer to the people who live in the area must abide by the law of the relevant administration and have the same rights as the original people.

Article 7: Other small and large Franco-Siamese treaties made in the past shall be retained.

Article 8: The languages of this treaty are French and Thai. Make two copies at the same time.

Article 9: Treaty signed on March 23, 1907 in Bangkok.

It should be recalled that in addition to the Franco-Siamese Treaty of March 23, 1907, there was also a private agreement between France and Grand Duke Tha Thorn Thornin Chhum.

(Western lord in the book Battambang, the lord era, called in Thai accent, Thakathathon, which means you keep the stick) to ensure the status and stability of the lord. In a private agreement, France promised to pay the lord 100,000 baht a month for life, regardless of where he lived. Please note that 100,000 baht was worth about 240,000 dollars now).