Many Benefits of Morning Sour Tea You Never Knew

Morning pickles, pickles, pickles or French pickles are different names for a plant that is claimed by experts to have many health benefits. This plant is native to Central and West Africa and can be grown all over the world and also in some parts of Cambodia. Due to the many health benefits that are the reason why this plant is now a good market and the goal of farmers to expand the cultivated area to meet domestic demand and reach exports abroad.

There are small plants, morning glory is also a crop that is easy to grow and it is tall enough. This plant has bright red stems, dark green leaves that are not pointed due to a slight reddish tinge and attractive bright flowers, and red fruits with a sour taste. Morning Sour Fruit is dried and made into a tea with a sweet and sour taste, especially to provide many health and beauty benefits. This healthy plant is rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, as well as rich in antioxidants that have health benefits such as:

  The petals of the morning glory are used as a health supplement that has been found to have the benefit of lowering cholesterol, which has great potential in the fight against diabetes, relieving menstrual cramps due to diarrhea. This can help maintain the hormonal balance in the body, which is useful in relieving the pain of women during menstruation. Especially for pregnant women is not recommended to drink this morning juice because it can reduce estrogen levels that can affect fertility. Women who are breastfeeding are also not allowed to eat. Help treat mental illness by drinking the juice of morning glory can relax the nervous system and can also reduce mental crisis. Protect Your Liver Morning Scrub contains antioxidants that can help treat liver disease. Antioxidants can protect your body from disease because they can fight free radicals present in your cells and tissues. Facilitates digestion by ingesting cauliflower juice, which helps to normalize bowel movements and bowel movements. It can also relieve constipation and improve your intestinal system. Good blood pressure control Due to the properties of morning glory to protect heart health and reduce blood pressure, it is beneficial for people with high blood pressure and those who are at risk for heart disease. To get its effect, you should drink rose water two to three times daily.

To be able to eat this plant, it can be used as a tea or as a cold and hot drink as a preference. They can be taken in the morning to dry and used to make tea. If we add a little sugar, it will have a slightly sweet and sour taste at the tip of the mouth. This flower can also be picked from the tree immediately to cook as a drink as well.