Kampong Thom Province: The Kampong Thom Provincial Gendarmerie, in cooperation with the Prasat Sambo District Forestry Administration, seized a Lexus 470 truck transporting 16 logs. The crackdown took place at 7:30 am on January 4, 2023 in Ta Ork village, Chhouk commune, Prasat Sambo district, Kampong Thom province.

According to the report, the car that was seized by the police was a gold Lexus 470 with license plate Phnom Penh 2L-4651, carrying 16 pieces of the first type of plywood, while the owner of the truck escaped before the police. Arrive.
After the crackdown, the 16 vehicles and wooden exhibits were brought by professional officers to be stored at the Prasat Sambo Forestry Administration Sangkat to compile documents for legal proceedings.