Should or shouldn’t you continue with a vague relationship? Part 1

In this world, no matter what you say, no matter what I say, other people have experienced disappointments at times, frustrations from day to day, from time to time, making it almost impossible for us to fall asleep. Some feel that they are in a dangerous and lonely place where no one can know or understand. All of this comes from disappointment, some disappointed both mentally and physically, some disappointed with wealth, honor, etc. Disappointments always have a root cause, for example, we talk about communication. Communication is very important in a local society of one-on-one communication. People want to trust each other, whether in business relationships, work relationships, romantic relationships.

Why is trust so important?

Indeed, trust is the most important organ or cell in the relationship between two people or a group of people. It requires trust, sometimes it is not necessary to sail together, but with a common goal, your relationship with someone will have a long and bright future. For example, if you have a relationship with someone who is very close to you, you will definitely want someone who is thoughtful of you for a long time, but coincidentally, they do not think like you, they care about themselves more than you. . This does not mean that you need someone to take care of you, but believe that you want clarity, such as a partnership between a man and a woman. Will you continue to associate with him if the person you are dealing with never thinks of the common good with you? You should not wait until one day or try to find out more about him. The more you are with him, the more opportunities you have to develop while he has everything, because he has someone waiting to give you all the strength to struggle in life when looking at your life is nothing. He is the only one who does not care about you, he thinks and loves himself more than he loves you. It’s a waste of time for you to stay in a relationship that is vague. You will miss out on great opportunities and great people waiting for you, encouraging you and wanting to build a future with you. Believe in yourself that you can still live without him because you are already a great person, you already have your goals and you are just drowning in fantasies for a while. Leave once, you will not die, you will continue to grow yourself until the right time, you will meet the person who is also waiting for you. Why waste time with people who have no purpose with you? People who are not clear even in their lives, people who are selfish, so it is not appropriate to have a counselor as well as an empty heart full of uncertainty like them. He is not worth the time you have to spend because you still have other family and good friends. A group of people who are not selfish and always think of you all the time, never far from you. They are your family, they always encourage you, no matter what you become, you are still the person they need and are as important as diamonds.
