Soldiers Training School of the Special Military Zone Organizes Closing Ceremony of 2023 Training Course for Deputy Officers and Classes

Kampong Chhnang: Special Military Zone Military Training School Closing Ceremony of Deputy Military Officers Training under the Presidency of Special Military Zone Deputy Commander

Lt. Gen. Som Sovann, Senior Representative, Lt. Gen. Pousar Butdy, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Commander of the Joint Special Military Zone, and his associates. The closing ceremony of the training course for deputy officers, which took place two months ago, took place on October 20, 2023 yesterday.

Deputy Commander of the Special Military Zone, Major General Som Sovann, said at the ceremony that the two-month training and capacity building of officers at the group and past levels has really provided the most valuable benefits to Khoeun. Maintain security, safety and public order, prevent any anarchy from the enemies who want to destroy the Royal Government of Cambodia, which also occurs legally.

The Deputy Commander of the Special Military Zone also praised and appreciated the efforts of the Special Military Zone Training School to maintain discipline and co-operation, security and public order in the geographical area of the Special Military Zone Training School is calm. Well, starting from the good cooperation between the training school and the local authorities, the people near the school are better.

Lt. Gen. Som Sovann instructed all lieutenant officers to go through the final training course for lieutenant officers at the junior level and these at the Special Military Zone Training School, and when they return to the unit, they must continue to share. Its knowledge to those who do not know as well.

Lt. Gen. Som Sovann stated that at the same time, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, His Excellency Hun Manet, has always taken care of all the difficulties and shortcomings of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and considered the defense sector as a sector. One has the highest priority in protecting security, safety and stability for the people and the nation.

The Deputy Commander of the Special Military Zone said that in order to strengthen the defense sector, the Prince paid great attention to the training of troops at all levels and in all fields to ensure high quality and efficiency in the fight to protect the integrity of the Constitution. Defend the nation, religion, monarchy, absolutely protect the legitimate Royal Government that emerges from the people’s election. At the end of the program, certificates of appreciation were presented to officers, deputies and soldiers, and 10 million Riels were donated to the Special Military Training School.