More than 200 drug victims receive technical training to make a living after reintegration into the community

Battambang: In response to the guidelines of the Royal Government of Cambodia in the development of human resources, especially the building of a skilled workforce with clear professionalism, innovation and competitiveness to ensure that a young person must have at least one skill. Separate lives of drug victims at the drug rehabilitation and rehabilitation center of 223 drug addicts in Battambang province, of which 12 women received technical and vocational training to support their families and compete in the labor market after work Integration back into the community.

The opening ceremony of this training was held at the Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of Battambang Province, located in Sdao Village, Sdao Commune, Rattanak Mondul District, Battambang Province under the short-term budget support program Vocational 2023 organized by Techo Sen Polytechnic Institute, Battambang.

The President of Battambang Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, HE Dr. Ke Sinuon, confirmed that the Center has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Techo Sen Polytechnic Institute of Battambang to open vocational education and training courses. Theory and practical experience in repairing cars and motorcycles, electrical wiring, cleaning and air conditioning, food processing, such as dry food, canned food, confectionery, beverages, haircuts, tailoring, agriculture, veterinary, veterinary techniques, cattle, poultry, goats, fish, vegetable growing. Nature, handicrafts and engineering, blacksmiths, cabinets, construction, computer repair and administration.

HE Dr. Ke Sinuon continued that at the end of the course, the center will arrange for them to receive a certificate of completion of their studies to encourage them to be recognized and issued a certificate by the Institute or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to use according to the actual needs.

His Excellency appealed to parents or families whose relatives are victims of drug addiction to take them to treatment, learn life skills and learn professional skills so that they can return to live in the community is knowledgeable, has jobs, and does not use drugs again.

Mr. Chhim Thoeun, Director of Techo Sen Polytechnic Institute of Battambang, considered that the current technical and vocational training for drug victims is very important to develop a skilled and efficient workforce to respond. To the needs of the labor market, both in the country and abroad, especially for all victims when returning to the community to have a job for everyone.

Mr. Chhim Thoeun said that in the electricity sector is playing a very important role in Battambang because Battambang is the last province of the head of the Royal Government of Cambodia considered the fourth economic pole after Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Siem Reap and the province. Battambang is also a province with great potential for development, especially with large factories and enterprises that are all related to the electricity sector, and in terms of modern computer technology, they use digital technology in both administrative offices and other public places. Is to use all digital systems, in which we also have the development of the agricultural sector, which requires all of us to pay attention to acquire good skills for self-employment to increase household income and Help boost the national economy.