Representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Federal Republic of Germany participate in development cooperation talks

Secretary of State Lok Chumteav Ngin Lina, representing the Ministry of Environment, as the accompanying delegate, attended the talks on development cooperation with representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia and representatives of the German Federal Government. The talks took place on October 16-19, 2023 in Bonn, Germany.

Discussions on bilateral development cooperation between the representatives of the Royal Government of Cambodia and the representatives of the German government discussed three main points: first, to review the progress of bilateral cooperation, and second, to discuss the priority areas of cooperation. Bilateral development, both technical and political, and the third point needs to focus on future development cooperation. In particular, the Ministry of Environment will receive a grant from the Continuing Cooperation Project, which includes green development, circular economy (Chakra economy) and plastic waste management in the target areas.

Delegates from both sides also paid a study visit to the Minerals Recycling Center in Vereinigte, as well as a presentation on the management of public administration services, waste management services and decentralization experience in Bruhl.

Please be reminded that the representative of the Royal Government of Cambodia, led by the Senior Minister in charge of Special Missions and the Second Vice President of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, Mr. Chheang Yanara, along with delegates from 10 other ministries and institutions, including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Economy and Finance Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Health, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development and National Bank of Cambodia. The German side was led by Dr. Andreas Pfeil, Head of the East German and Southeast Asian Division of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Bärbel Kofler, Member of Parliament for the Federal Republic of Germany.